Articles Tagged with: Procurement Consulting Firms

Achieving Effective Cost Optimization with Chartered Buying’s Expertise

In the cutthroat world of modern business, the need to optimize procurement costs without compromising on products and services quality has become an essential strategy for maintaining a competitive edge. Effective procurement cost optimization involves implementing strategic initiatives to reduce unnecessary expenses without compromising products and services quality. Chartered Buying, a prominent procurement services provider, offers a variety of solutions to help businesses achieve this objective. This article will explore Chartered Buying’s services and emphasize the value they bring to their customers.

Chartered Buying (CB) is a specialist in procurement services, serving strategically to organizations seeking to improve their purchasing processes. CB’s primary services include Procurement Consulting, Strategic Sourcing, Supplier Management, and Cost Reduction initiatives. By utilizing these services, clients can achieve significant cost optimization and enhanced efficiency in their procurement operations.

Procurement Consulting

CB’s team of seasoned procurement consultants collaborates closely with clients to pinpoint opportunities for improvement, devise procurement strategies and implement industry best practices. By assessing existing procurement practices, CB assists businesses in identifying inefficiencies and offering tailored solutions to address these challenges. This enables clients to attain considerable cost savings without jeopardizing the quality of their products or services.

Strategic Sourcing

CB’s strategic sourcing services concentrate on identifying the most appropriate suppliers based on a business’s specific requirements. By conducting extensive market research, CB’s experts can determine the optimal suppliers in terms of price, quality, and dependability. This targeted approach to supplier selection guarantees that clients receive the greatest value for their investment, leading to significant cost optimization.

Supplier Management

A business’s relationship with its suppliers is vital for achieving cost optimization. CB’s supplier management services aid clients in maintaining robust, collaborative relationships with their suppliers, ensuring seamless communication and prompt delivery of products and services. By cultivating strong supplier relationships, businesses can engage in joint cost-saving initiatives, explore value-added services, minimize supply chain disruptions, reduce lead times, and ultimately achieve substantial cost optimization.

Cost Reduction Initiatives

CB’s cost reduction initiatives focus on identifying areas where businesses can attain substantial cost savings without compromising quality. These initiatives may involve renegotiating contracts, consolidating suppliers, or implementing process enhancements. By systematically evaluating each aspect of a client’s procurement process, CB can identify opportunities for cost optimization and generate significant savings.

One of the primary advantages of collaborating with Chartered Buying is their ability to deliver tangible results. For instance, a prominent automotive manufacturer enlisted CB’s assistance in optimizing their procurement process. Through a blend of strategic sourcing, supplier management, and cost reduction initiatives, CB enabled the client to achieve an impressive 20% reduction in procurement costs. This significant cost optimization not only bolstered the company’s bottom line but also strengthened their competitive advantage in the marketplace.

In summary, achieving significant cost optimization is essential for businesses aiming to retain a competitive edge in today’s fast-paced market. Chartered Buying’s comprehensive suite of procurement services, encompassing procurement consulting, strategic sourcing, supplier management, and cost reduction initiatives, empowers businesses to achieve these savings while preserving the quality of products and services. By partnering with Chartered Buying, clients can unleash the full potential of their procurement processes and enjoy the advantages of significant cost optimization.

Would you like to know more about a cost optimization and what they can offer?
Contact Us

Faiq Ali Khan, MCIPS

Vice President – Digital Procurement

Vice Chair CIPS Dubai Branch


Procurement Digital Transformation: A Modern Business Necessity


In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, digital transformation has become an essential requirement for businesses to stay relevant, innovative, and competitive. Procurement Digital Transformation is the digitalization of procurement processes in an organization, by making use of procurement software which can incorporate the latest technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, Blockchain, and Data Analytics, there by streamlining the procurement process, simplify tasks, cost optimization, better decision making, improve efficiency and get the best Return on Investment (ROI).

Procurement Digital Transformation:

Procurement is a critical and foundational component of any business, ensuring that a business has the necessary raw materials, goods and services to operate. Procurement can significantly impact a company’s expenditure, quality control, and supply chain efficiency. Effective procurement can achieve cost savings along with quality goods/services. To make use of the latest technologies such as AI and data analytics for efficient procurement, every business must digitize their procurement process with the right technology. No doubt that it’s inevitable aspect of a successful organization.

Stages of Digital Transformation

Assessment and Planning

Identify areas/process for digital transformation, set realistic goals and objectives, and create a detailed roadmap for execution.

Implementation and Integration:

Select the appropriate technology solutions, adopt methodologies and ensure smooth integration with existing systems.

Optimization and Continuous Improvement:

Monitor progress regularly, adapt to evolving technologies and market trends, and foster a culture of continuous learning and innovation.

How Chartered Buying Management Consulting (CBMC) can help you in your Procurement Digital Transformation

Being a prominent procurement consulting firm in the region in several industries, Chartered Buying can help you in your Procurement Digital Transformation, beginning from Requirement Analysis, souring the right supplier and procurement software (carry out RFX) as per business needs, contract formalization, advise on any required procurement process changes, implementation strategy, catalogue formalization, reports, training and to get the transformation completed smoothly and successfully.

Organizations who have deployed CB have greatly benefited in successfully implementing state of the art Procurement Digital Transformation solutions for their procurement needs. CB team deep knowledge and experience in procurement, have helped organizations to utilize the full potentials of the implemented Digital Transformation solutions.

Would you like to know more about a Procurement Digital Transformation and what they can offer?
Contact Us

Faiq Ali Khan, MCIPS

Vice President – Digital Procurement

Vice Chair CIPS Dubai Branch

ai in procurement

11 Benefits of AI In Procurement


AI in Procurement: Transforming the Way We Buy

Procurement is all about buying goods and services for a company. Imagine if a robot could help make this process faster and smarter. That’s what Artificial Intelligence (AI) is doing in procurement! Let’s dive into how AI is changing procurement and making it easier to understand, even for a class 5 student.

What is AI in Procurement?

AI in procurement means using smart computer systems to help companies buy things. These systems can learn from data, make decisions, and even predict what might happen in the future. Think of it like having a super-smart helper who knows everything about shopping for your company.

Key Technologies Used in AI

1. Machine Learning (ML):

  • What it is: Machine learning is a type of AI that allows computers to learn from data and improve over time without being explicitly programmed.
  • How it helps: In procurement, ML can analyze past purchasing data to predict future needs, helping companies make better buying decisions.

2. Robotic Process Automation (RPA):

  • What it is: RPA uses software robots to automate repetitive tasks.
  • How it helps: These robots can handle tasks like data entry, order processing, and invoice management, which saves time and reduces errors.

3. Natural Language Processing (NLP):

  • What it is: NLP is a type of AI that helps computers understand and respond to human language.
  • How it helps: NLP can read and process large amounts of text, like contracts and supplier emails, to find important information quickly.

4. Blockchain:

  • What it is: Blockchain is a digital ledger that records transactions in a secure and transparent way.
  • How it helps: In procurement, blockchain ensures that all transactions are secure and can be verified easily, which builds trust with suppliers.

5. Internet of Things (IoT):

  • What it is: IoT refers to devices connected to the internet that can collect and share data.
  • How it helps: IoT devices can track inventory levels in real-time, making it easier to manage stock and reduce shortages.

11 Benefits of AI in Procurement

AI in procurement is like having a super-smart helper for buying things a company needs. Here are 11 ways AI makes procurement better:

1. Cost Savings:

– AI helps find the best prices and suggests cheaper options, saving money for the company.

2. Efficiency:

– AI speeds up the buying process by automating repetitive tasks, so Purchasing teams can focus on important work.

3. Better Decision Making:

– AI analyzes lots of data to give insights, helping companies make smarter buying choices.

4. Risk Management:

– AI predicts potential problems, like supplier issues, so companies can prepare and avoid disruptions.

5. Supplier Evaluation:

– AI assesses supplier performance by analyzing delivery times, quality, and prices, ensuring the best suppliers are chosen.

6. Inventory Management:

– AI tracks inventory levels in real time, preventing stockouts and overstock situations.

7. Contract Management:

– AI reads and analyzes contracts to identify key terms, making it easier to manage and enforce agreements.

8. Enhanced Supplier Relationships:

– AI helps maintain good relationships with suppliers by ensuring timely payments and addressing issues promptly.

9. Personalized Recommendations:

– AI suggests products based on past purchases, helping companies get exactly what they need.

10. Faster Procurement Cycle:

– AI speeds up the entire acquisition Process, from finding suppliers to completing purchases.

11. Driving Innovation:

– AI introduces new ways to improve procurement practices, making them more effective and innovative. These benefits show how AI makes the process smarter, faster, and more efficient. By using AI, companies can save money, reduce risks, and make better decisions, helping them succeed in a competitive market.

Real-Life Examples of AI in Procurement

1. Predicting Demand:
– AI systems can forecast how much of a product will be needed in the future based on past sales data, helping companies order the right amount of stock.
2. Supplier Evaluation:
– AI can assess supplier performance by analyzing delivery times, quality of goods, and pricing, ensuring companies choose the best suppliers.
3. Contract Management:
– AI can read and analyze contracts to identify key terms and conditions, making it easier to manage and enforce agreements.

Challenges and Considerations

1. Data Quality:
– AI systems rely on accurate data. If the data is incorrect or incomplete, the AI’s decisions might not be reliable.
2. Integration:
– Implementing AI systems can be challenging, especially if existing systems and processes are outdated.
3. Cost:
– While AI can save money in the long run, the initial investment can be high.

Future of AI in Procurement

The future of AI looks bright. As technology continues to evolve, AI systems will become even smarter and more efficient. Companies will be able to automate more processes, gain deeper insights, and make better decisions, all of which will contribute to their success.

Read more – Procurement Transformation: People, Processes, Systems

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is AI in procurement?

– AI in acquisition uses smart computer systems to help companies buy goods and services more efficiently.

2. How does AI help in procurement?

– AI helps by automating tasks, predicting demand, evaluating suppliers, and managing contracts.

3. What technologies are used in AI?

– Key technologies include machine learning, robotic process automation, natural language processing, blockchain, and IoT.

4. What are the benefits of AI?

– Benefits include cost savings, increased efficiency, better risk management, and valuable data insights.

5. What challenges are faced in implementing AI?

– Challenges include ensuring data quality, integrating with existing systems, and the initial cost of implementation.


AI is revolutionizing the way companies handle the Buying Process. With technologies like machine learning, RPA, NLP, blockchain, and IoT, procurement processes are becoming more efficient and effective. Companies that embrace AI will enjoy significant benefits, from cost savings to better risk management. As AI continues to evolve, its impact on procurement will only grow, making it an essential tool for future success. By understanding and using these AI technologies, businesses can improve their procurement practices and stay ahead in the competitive market. So, let’s embrace AI and see how it can transform procurement for the better!

know more about aI in Procurement and How Can It Help!

Faiq Ali Khan, FCIPS
Vice President – Digital Procurement
Vice Chair CIPS Dubai Branch

More To Read
How to start a procurement consulting and why it is important

How to start a procurement consulting and why it is important?

Table of Contents


Introduction to Procurement Consulting

Embark on your journey to becoming a top-tier procurement consulting firm with Chartered Buying’s expert guidance. In today’s dynamic business landscape, robust procurement strategies are essential for long-term success.

Our procurement experts offer invaluable advice on sourcing and procurement, guiding you through digital transformation and empowering your procurement team.

As you establish your consultancy, our wide range of consulting services ensures that you deliver excellence to your clients. Join us in reshaping procurement functions for sustained success in the ever-evolving business world.

What is Procurement Consulting?

Procurement consulting gives your business a competitive edge, connecting you with experts to simplify sourcing products, services, and labor.

Think of it as your secret weapon, managing costs, reducing risks, and boosting efficiency. Partnering with expert procurement consultant from Chartered Buying in Dubai unlocks untapped potential in supplier relations, negotiation, and strategic sourcing.

Like ninjas, they swiftly cut unnecessary expenses, allowing you to focus on growth, innovation, and profitability.

Gain an advantage in the competitive industry by embracing procurement consulting and watch your company soar to new heights with expert advice for the long term.

How to Start a Supply Chain Consulting Business

Starting a supply chain consulting business can be an exciting and rewarding venture. Here’s a simple guide to help you get started.

Understanding Supply Chain Management

Before starting your business, it’s important to understand supply chain management. This involves managing the flow of goods and services from suppliers to customers. Key areas include inventory management, strategically procuring goods, and ensuring efficient delivery.

Gaining Expertise

To become a successful supply chain consultant, you need expertise in the field. This can be gained through education and experience. Learning about sourcing consultancy and how to create an effective operating model is crucial. Practical experience in managing supply chains will also be very beneficial.

Planning Your Business

Next, plan your business. Decide what services you will offer. Will you focus on inventory management, or will you offer a broader range of sourcing consultancy services? Define your target market and understand their needs. This will help you tailor your services effectively.

Setting Up Your Business

Register your business and obtain the necessary licenses. Create a professional website to showcase your services. Your website should be SEO-friendly to attract potential clients. Include information about your expertise in supply chain management and how you can help businesses improve their operations.

Building a Team

As your business grows, you may need to hire additional supply chain consultants. Look for individuals with strong backgrounds in sourcing consultancy and inventory management. A skilled team will help you deliver better services to your clients.

Marketing Your Services

To attract clients, market your services effectively. Use online marketing strategies such as social media, blogging, and SEO to reach a wider audience. Highlight the benefits of your operating model and how your expertise in supply chain management can help businesses save time and money.

Providing Excellent Service

Once you start getting clients, focus on providing excellent service. Help businesses improve their supply chain processes, from strategically procuring goods to managing their inventories. Satisfied clients are likely to recommend your services to others.

Starting a supply chain consulting business requires knowledge, planning, and dedication. By following these steps, you can build a successful business and help other companies improve their supply chains.

Why is it Important to Start a Procurement Consulting?

In the era of modern business where the trends keep changing occasionally, establishing a top procurement consulting firms becomes the need of an hour.

Procurement isn’t just limited to buying and selling goods and services, instead, it has become much more than that with immense evolution. Due to it becoming a strategic function, the effectiveness of the organization has been greatly affected.

To answer your question about what makes it significant to start an procurement consulting agency in the current scenario:

Strategic Value Addition

Now that we’ve acknowledged how procurement has become a strategic function, let’s delve deeper into this topic.

Comprehensive procurement consulting is essential for organizational success, providing strategic insights and assistance across various areas.

From optimizing supplier relationships to enhancing procurement strategies, it plays a pivotal role in achieving triumph.

Cost Savings and Efficiency

No matter what the business size, each of them works on saving costs to the greatest extent while also not sacrificing the efficiency part.

Hence with the help of procurement consultant in Dubai, this can become even easier as through the analysis of the following elements, the business can witness the reduction in costs with similar quality:

Risk Mitigation

Procurement consulting firms play a crucial role in mitigating risks that can disrupt global supply networks due to environmental, financial, or governmental factors.

By identifying potential issues and devising tailored strategies, they ensure smooth operations and resilience against unforeseen obstacles.

Consider it a safeguard for your supply chain! Embracing this proactive approach minimizes disruptions, maintains continuous operations, and strengthens your organization for long-term success.

Partner with procurement consulting experts to navigate sourcing and procurement challenges and safeguard your business against uncertainties.

Market Expertise

Known for its expertise, the top procurement consulting firms makes sure to keep itself updated about the market.

No matter whether it’s the changing market trends or the upcoming technologies, these end-to-end procurement consulting agencies possess knowledge of all.

Hence these firms help businesses to arrive at a mindful decision along with being in adherence to all rules and regulations.

Technology Integration

Tech advances are reshaping business buying methods. The end-to-end procurement consulting advisors help company welcome new techs like e-procure­ment systems, artificial intelligence, and data analytics.

These improvements boost efficiency and foster smart, data-led choices.

Managing Suppliers

Good relationships with suppliers matter a lot. Procurement consultant in Dubai help companies create and keep good relations with supplie­rs.

This boosts teamwork and creativity. Good supplier re­lations save money in the long run and make products or services better.

How to Start a Procurement Consulting?

Want to create a top procurement consulting firms? Here’s a clear breakdown of the process:

Industry Expertise:

Learn about procurement rules, processes, and current trends. Have the relevant certificates handy. Stay informed about any new changes.

Business Plan:

Make a clear business plan. It should include your mission, target clients, services, pricing, and marketing strategies. Be sure about what makes you different and better as a top procurement consulting firms.

Legal Structure and Registration:

Pick a le­gal format that suits your consultancy. It could be a sole proprietorship, partne­rship, or a limited liability company (LLC). Get your business re­gistered and mee­t local rules and licensing nee­ds.

Build a Network:

Any top procurement consulting firms requires a robust network. Connect with professionals from procurement and business. By being part of industry gatherings, joining rele­vant groups, and establishing contact with potential clients, supplie­rs, and fellow consultants, you can reinforce your ne­twork.

Marketing and Branding:

Build a top-notch website and social media pages. Advertise online. Make your company’s benefits clear. Show off your happy customers with case studies and revie­ws.

Maintain client relationships:

Kee­p up good relations with customers. Know what each client needs and deliver tailor-made services. Ste­llar customer service wins you loyal, re­turning clients and new ones on re­ferral.

Utilize Technology:

Use technology to make work easier at your firm. Employ tools for project management, teamwork, and customer relations to boost smooth operations and easy communication.

Continuous Growth:

Kee­p up with new improvements in your field and evolving technology. Stay adaptable to the shifting business landscape. Success in competition needs persistent learning. Offer your clients new, top-notch buying methods.

Performance Tracking:

Use KPIs to gauge your top procurement consulting firm’s triumph. Regularly judge how well you’re doing based on these­ scales. Ask clients for their views and change where needed. Boost how well you provide­ your services.

Benefits of Starting a Procurement Consulting

Professional Fulfillment and Autonomy:

With a procurement consultancy, you are the boss. You make the calls, direct your business, and shape its course.You get satisfaction from helping company. You solve their procure­ment hitches. You help reach their targets. This is rewarding both pe­rsonally and professionally.

Financial Opportunities:

There is a growing demand for procurement consultant in Dubai. This means good earnings for entrepre­neurs taking this path. Your consultancy can grow. You can increase your ope­rations and client base. This means more money for you.

Impact on Organizational Success:

Opportunity awaits procurement consultant in Dubai. They can mold strategic decisions. This influences an organization’s success.This boosts procurement processes. This offers clear bene­fits to clients. It improves operations and financial outcomes.

Continuous Learning and Professional Development:

An end-to-end procurement consulting business fuels constant learning. It promotes career progress, and it helps keep pace­ with market changes.Those running such businesses learn to adapt. This skills is essential. The business world is always evolving.

Are you eage­r to start something new? Setting up an end-to-end procurement consulting agency is like taking on a suspense­ful, rewarding journey.

It doesn’t stop at being just a regular day job – it’s an opportunity to drive major change. Arme­d with a solid plan, the right abilities, and know-how, you could solve big procure­ment issues for organizations and guide them to triumph.

Plus, don’t discount the cherry on top – the chance to inspire strategic thinking and contribute towards the future direction of these­ company.

Frequently Asked Questions

To start a procurement consultancy, assess your expertise, target market, and services. Build a solid brand, network with potential clients, and offer tailored solutions. Stay updated on industry trends and regulations.

A procurement consultant advises businesses on optimizing purchasing processes, vendor management, and cost reduction strategies. They offer expertise in procurement technology, supplier negotiations, and risk management to enhance efficiency and profitability.

To become a procurement consultant, gain experience in procurement, develop expertise in negotiation, vendor management, and procurement technology. Obtain relevant certifications and build a strong network in the industry.

To excel as a procurement specialist, hone negotiation skills, stay updated on market trends, and develop vendor relationships. Efficiently manage contracts, mitigate risks, and leverage technology for streamlined processes.

A procurement assistant supports procurement teams by handling administrative tasks, processing purchase orders, and maintaining supplier records. They assist in vendor communication, research, and ensuring compliance with procurement policies and procedures.

Procurement 4.0 refers to the digital transformation of procurement processes using advanced technologies like AI, automation, and data analytics. It aims to optimize sourcing, vendor management, and supply chain operations for increased efficiency and cost savings.

Learn more about a procurement consulting firms and what they can offer?

Faiq Ali Khan, MCIPS
Vice President – Digital Procurement
Vice Chair CIPS Dubai Branch

The importance of procurement strategy for business

One of the most important components in the close network of enterprise activities is the procurement strategy. Just like all other elements, these need to be taken into consideration seriously because the process of acquiring products and services has a vital role to play in taking the business to great heights while at the same ensuring sustainability. Though thebest procurement strategies comes with myths associated with it like it’s all about purchasing, however, there’s much more to it. Planning in a meticulous manner, analyzing, making a decision for the optimization of cost, and a lot more are covered under the broad bandwidth of procurement strategy. It is also associated with enhancing effectiveness and nurturing relationships with suppliers which lasts long.

We, at Charter Buying being your well-wisher and one of the leading procurement strategy companies are here to make you realize the fact of how important is procurement strategy for companies. However, before we go into depth about its significance, it’s also very crucial to know about its contribution to the entire triumph of these businesses.

What is Procurement Strategy?

Starting from scratch, let’s primarily understand what exactly is procurement strategy and its purpose. Just like we at Chartered Buying are here to guide you about effective procurement strategies, similarly, the best procurement strategies is a game plan that ensures the effective acquisition of the components required by the business to function and succeed in the market.

We now hereby mention the objectives covered under the procurement strategy for your better understanding. Have a look:

  • Sourcing or Stocking

  • Negotiations or Bargaining

  • Selection of suppliers

  • Mitigation of risk

If you want to create a procurement strategythat is quite reliable and sturdy in nature, you would need to have an in-depth understanding of the requirements of a company. Not only this but also comprehend the frequently changing market along with the goals of the business for the long run.

What are the main objectives of the Procurement Strategy?

As we have already discussed, the procurement strategy is not just limited to obtaining the products and services, there are many other critical objectives of the best procurement strategies. So here we will share the list of objectives in a detailed manner which will help you gain a better understanding of its functionality. Kindly scroll down to take a read:.

Cost Optimization

Though effective procurement strategies are often associated with myriads of advantages, the most important one is the optimization of cost. Every business is always on its mission to improve its bottom line and in this, the procurement strategy can greatly assist it in achieving the goals. With the implementation of a proper strategy, while sourcing products and services along with negotiating favorable terms, massive reduction of costs can be seen among the businesses without making any compromises when it comes to quality. However, as a result, the business will become lucrative and have an upper hand over the competitors in the market.

Efficiency Improvement

Apart from cost optimization, the procurement strategy also functions in such a way that it acts as an inducer for the improvement of the entire efficiency of the business along with making the business activities easier to be carried out. With the help of supply chain management that is efficient in nature and relationships with suppliers that are strategic, businesses can have a seamless functioning and there is effortless supply of goods and services. Even the delays and lead times are reduced if effective procurement strategies come into the picture. If implemented at the right time, they will also help in the management of inventory timely. Along with enhancing the productivity of the business, these strategies also help the businesses to be responsive to the dynamics of the market and the needs of the consumers in a very calm manner.

Innovation and Collaboration

By now you must have clearly understood one thing procurement does not only revolve around the acquisition of products and services that already exist. Going way beyond this, procurement strategy also acts as a path to imaginative thinking and partnerships. If a business considers the suppliers as its partners and not just general species that are involved in transactions with them, the company will get access to a pond of innovation and knowledge. Creating relationships with the suppliers at the very beginning of the production of goods and services can help a business become aware of various inventive solutions and give it an edge over competitors in the market.

Long-Term Relationship Building

As we have just discussed how important it is to consider the suppliers as the partners, now let’s focus on the importance of building a relationship with suppliers that is not temporary but lasts long. If a business is willing to thrive and sustain for a longer period of time, it should not focus on anything that serves just for a smaller duration. Rather it is advisable to invest in nurturing healthy relationships with suppliers which help it attain enhanced trustworthiness, transparently, and prioritized treatment. By fostering such collaborations, both parties can reach a point where they both mutually understand each other and have an effortless working experience working together.

Adaptability to Market Changes

In the fast-moving world, the market tends to have become really dynamic in nature along with the demands of the customers and economy. If a business wants to be mindfully responsive to these rapid fluctuations, effective procurement strategies are what need to be implemented. No matter whether it consists of the diversification of suppliers, negotiation of contracts, or adjustments in the approach related to sourcing, these strategies will also help the business in staying robust even in case of unpredictability.

Risk Mitigation

In the fast-paced era, as the business environment keeps changing frequently, it is foreseeable that risks will definitely occur. However, if the best procurement strategies that is meticulously prepared is implemented, it can be of great importance while protecting the business against the risks that can possibly occur. Here are a few ways mentioned below that can utilized for the reduction and management of risks:

  • Sourcing or Stocking

  • Negotiations or Bargaining

  • Selection of suppliers

With the implementation of the above-mentioned practices, businesses can easily reduce risks related to the delays in supply chain, sudden changes in the market, and factors related to land. With this approach that is hyperactive in nature, businesses can become even more resilient in nature and prevent their ongoing process from the challenges that are inevitable in nature.

Quality Assurance

Beyond all other objectives discussed previously, making sure that the goods and services are of higher quality, the procurement strategy is able to add value to the functioning of the businesses. Wondering how effective procurement strategies make sure about consistency in high standards? Here at Charter Buying, we’ve answered your question on the basis of what is aimed during the creation of the procurement strategy:

  • Strict criteria need to be followed when choosing the perfect supplier

  • Audits should be conducted on a regular basis

  • Nurture the partnerships with suppliers.

Not only customers are satisfied when the products and services of good quality are offered frequently to them but it also safeguards the prestige of the enterprise in the market. After all, what else matters to a business apart from profitability? When businesses attain a good reputation in the market, they also start receiving loyalty and trust from the customers and thrive in the business.

How to improve procurement strategy?

To make the best procurement strategy, a business needs to make improvements in the current one through a mindful way to evaluate the acquiring of products and services of a company. Starting with analyzing the demands and objectives of the organization is quite necessary. Along with this, a business is also required to gain a thorough understanding of the need of the particular varieties of products and services along with the significance of the entire functioning that sets the cornerstone. Besides just focusing on the materialist aspects of the business, the procurement strategy also needs to focus on the human resources like suppliers and building relationships and good communication with them. Not only this but analyzing and upgrading the supplier base makes sure that the prices which are competitive and good quality products and services. To make the methods seamless, increase effectiveness, it’s advisable to keep adopting the developments in the field of technology like data analytics and procurement software.

Procurement Strategy with Chartered Buying

Lastly, we would like to wind up with highlighting how important procurement strategy is and how planning out with Chartered Buying will help your business achieve success and reach greater heights. We make sure that the businesses that understand the significance of procurement strategy not only survive but also succeed in the dynamic market. From the optimization of the costs and improvisation in the effectiveness to reduction of risks and fostering relationships with sellers for the long run, we take care of all the necessary things. Hence, in case you’re looking for one of the best procurement strategy companies, you can consider trusting Chartered Buying and we promise to not disappoint you.

Would you like to know more about a procurement strategy and what they can offer?
Contact Us

Faiq Ali Khan, MCIPS

Vice President – Digital Procurement

Vice Chair CIPS Dubai Branch

Procurement Consulting Firms

The Importance of Procurement Consulting Firms

How Procurement Consulting Firms Revolutionize the Business Landscape

In today’s rapidly evolving and fiercely competitive business landscape, procurement consulting firms play an increasingly crucial role in the success of businesses across various industries.

In this article, we’ll take an engaging journey into the realm of acquisition consulting, where we’ll explore its importance and advantages.

We’ll also give you an insightful rundown of top-notch acquisition consulting firms that are making waves on the international stage, along with those that have a substantial influence within the United Arab Emirates.

What is Procurement Consulting?

Procurement consulting provides expert advice and assistance to organizations in their procurement and supply chain activities.

Procurement firms help businesses streamline their acquisition processes, systems, and people, build a supplier management and acquisition governance structure, identify cost-saving opportunities, and develop strategic sourcing plans to optimize their spending.

By teaming up with a procurement consulting firm, businesses can guarantee that they adopt the most effective practices, enhance their overall efficiency, and secure a competitive advantage in today’s dynamic marketplace.

Consulting the procurement process involves getting expert advice on buying goods and services for your company. This helps you create an efficient operating model and procurement practice. By consulting a procurement specialist, you can reduce costs and improve your buying strategy.

They assist in indirect procurement, ensuring you get the best deals for non-core items. Additionally, these specialists help in driving innovation within your procurement processes.

When you adopt a well-consulted procurement practice, you not only save money but also make smarter and more strategic purchasing decisions. This ultimately leads to a smoother and more effective operation for your company.


1. Why do I need a Procurement Consulting Firm when I have a procurement team already?

Good question, we understand that the existing procurement teams are already managing loads of work and stakeholders. This is one reason procurement consulting firms can support & ramp up resource allocation ready to work based on the multiple industries’ resource pool availability.

Sometimes you may have urgent compliance targets or sourcing projects for a specific category where you may lack a resource due to any reason like existing staff resigning or on a holiday, for which the hiring process may take months sometimes whereas your business requirement may be urgent.

We have elaborated more aspects reflecting on procurement consulting value add through which you can unlock the full potential of your acquisition function.

Explore various aspects that can influence your organization’s decision-making process. Dive into the world of procurement expertise, cost savings, category management, and strategic advantages. Make an informed choice that best suits your organization’s unique needs and goals.

Aspects Procurement Firm value adds
Expertise Specialized knowledge from diverse industries and clients
Cost Savings Access to competitive pricing, benchmarks, and supplier relationships
Objectivity Unbiased perspective on acquisition processes
Scalability Resources can be ramped up or down as needed
Technology and Tools Access to multiple widely accepted advanced tools and technology having worked in multiple customer engagements
Training and Development Can provide customized corporate training and applied knowledge
Time Savings Can support the in-house procurement team for other strategic initiatives
Risk Management A broader perspective on potential risks and mitigation strategies

While having an in-house procurement team can provide many benefits, there are several reasons why engaging a procurement firm might always be advantageous to support your acquisition function and team. 

2. Benefits and Importance of engaging a Procurement Consulting Firm:

  1. Cost Reduction: Procurement consultant company help businesses identify areas where they can cut costs without sacrificing quality or service levels. This can be achieved through competitive bidding, supplier consolidation, and contract negotiation, among other strategies.
  2. Risk Mitigation: Procurement and sourcing consultant help organizations identify and mitigate risks associated with their business operations or acquisition activities, such as supply chain disruptions, supplier non-compliance, and geopolitical uncertainties.
  3.  Process Improvement: By analyzing a company’s existing acquisition processes, procurement firms can recommend improvements that increase efficiency and reduce errors, leading to better overall business performance.
  4. Strategic Sourcing: Procurement firms assist businesses in developing and implementing strategic sourcing plans that align with their long-term objectives and ensure they have the right suppliers in place to meet their needs.
  5. Compliance and Sustainability: Procurement consulting firms help businesses adhere to relevant regulations, industry standards, and sustainability requirements, thereby safeguarding their reputation and ensuring long-term success.

3. Step-by-Step Procurement Consulting

Working with a procurement firm typically involves the following:

  1. Maturity Assessment: The procurement firm conducts an in-depth analysis of the client’s current procurement processes, policies, and strategies, identifying areas for improvement, opportunity assessment, and potential cost-saving opportunities.
  2. Procurement Strategy Development: Based on the initial assessment, the procurement consulting firm develops a tailored procurement strategy, outlining specific objectives, goals, and action plans to achieve the desired results.
  3. Implementation & Roadmap: The procurement firm collaborates closely with the client to implement the recommended acquisition strategy, ensuring that the necessary changes are made, and best practices are adopted.
  4. Monitoring and Evaluation: Once the new acquisition strategy is in place, the procurement consulting firm monitors its progress and evaluates its effectiveness, making any necessary adjustments to ensure continued success.
  5. Continuous Improvement: Procurement firms support their clients on an ongoing basis, identifying new opportunities for cost savings and process improvements, and helping them stay ahead of industry trends and developments.

4. Strategic Procurement Consulting

Strategic procurement consulting focuses on the long-term, strategic aspects of acquisition, such as supplier relationship management, category management, and risk management. Embracing a strategic mindset towards procurement enables businesses to ensure they have the most suitable suppliers onboard, ready to bolster their growth and foster innovation goals.

5.Procurement Process Improvement Ideas

Procurement consulting firms offer various process improvement ideas, such as:

Procurement advisory services offer various process improvement ideas, such as:

  • Implementing e-procurement systems to streamline and automate procurement activities. acquisition consulting firms include members who bring a combination of experience in various P2P or S2P systems implementations, acquisition functional expertise, process mapping alignment with stakeholders, and multiple companies’ implementation experience.

  • Establishing clear procurement policies and guidelines to ensure consistency and compliance having worked with multiple industries and organizations.

  • Optimizing supplier selection criteria to identify the best-fit suppliers.

  • Enhancing supplier performance monitoring and evaluation processes.

  • Leveraging data analytics to identify trends, opportunities, and risks in procurement activities.

  • Promoting collaboration and communication between different departments involved in procurement to create a more cohesive and efficient process.

  • Develop robust contract management practices to ensure that contracts are effectively managed and enforced, resulting in better supplier performance and risk mitigation.

  • Integrating advanced technology, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, to improve procurement decision-making and efficiency.

  • Most importantly bringing global benchmarks and best practices for all activities to convince the recommendations placed by their Procurement Consulting. 

Global Acceptance of Procurement Consulting

Procurement consulting has gained global acceptance, with businesses worldwide recognizing the value of expert advice and support in optimizing their acquisition activities.

As the need for procurement consulting services keeps growing, a multitude of procurement consultancies have appeared, each offering a unique combination of skills, knowledge, and industry perspectives.

Leading Procurement Consulting Firms Globally, in the Region, and in UAE

In recent years, several procurement firms have gained a solid reputation for delivering exceptional results for their clients. Some of the acquisition global consultancies, in the region, and specifically in the UAE include:

  • Chartered Buying Management Consulting (CBMC)

  • McKinsey & Company

  • Bain & Company

  • Boston Consulting Group (BCG)

  • KPMG

  • Deloitte

  • PwC

  • Accenture

  • A.T. Kearney

  • GEP

  • Capgemini

  • Oliver Wyman

  • Alvarez & Marsal

  • Roland Berger

  • Ernst & Young (EY)

Chartered Buying has emerged as one of the leading procurement firms offering a diverse range of services, including strategic sourcing, procurement operations, supplier management, procurement transformation, 30+ ready category strategies as part of category management in more than 15 varied industries, acquisition process optimization, and digital transformation.

By partnering with one of these leading procurement consulting firms, businesses can leverage their expertise and knowledge to drive significant improvements in their procurement operations.

Some of the experiential-based value adds are as follows:

  1. Digital Transformation in Procurement: Sourcing consultancy can help businesses navigate the complexities of digital transformation, assisting them in adopting the latest technologies and tools to modernize their procurement operations.
  2. Supplier Management, Diversity, and Inclusion: Procurement firms can support organizations in developing and implementing supplier relationship management functions building diversity and inclusion programs, and supplier loyalty programs, ensuring they have access to a wide range of innovative and competitive suppliers.
  3. Ethical and Sustainable Procurement: Acquisition firms can guide businesses in incorporating ethical and sustainable practices into their procurement processes, helping them make responsible purchasing decisions that align with their corporate social responsibility goals.
  4. Training and Development: Some of the acquisition consulting firms like Chartered Buying Management Consulting offer training and development programs to help organizations build their acquisition capabilities and cultivate a high-performing procurement team.
  5. Procurement Performance Metrics: procurement consulting companies can assist businesses in establishing and tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure and monitor the effectiveness of their procurement activities, enabling them to make data-driven decisions and drive continuous improvement.


In conclusion, procurement consulting firms play a pivotal role in the success of businesses across various industries which has been evident time and again globally.

Through their invaluable advice and direction, procurement consultancy empowers organizations to fine-tune their acquisition processes, lower expenses, minimize risks, and reach their strategic goals.

With numerous leading procurement consulting firms available globally and in the UAE, businesses have a wealth of options to choose from when seeking the support, they need to thrive in today’s competitive marketplace.


The consulting procurement process helps companies buy goods and services in a smart way.

Chartered Buying, a well-known name in procurement consulting in the UAE, employs sourcing and procurement consultants who are experts in finding the best suppliers.

Procurement functions include tasks like purchasing consulting, where experts help decide what to buy and from whom. Procurement consultancy in the UAE focuses on these tasks to make sure companies get the best deals.

By using this process, companies can improve their operations and achieve their goals more efficiently.

Chartered Buying is dedicated to helping businesses streamline their procurement practices.

Would you like to know more about a procurement consulting firm and what they can offer?
Contact Us

Faiq Ali Khan, MCIPS

Vice President – Digital Procurement

Vice Chair CIPS Dubai Branch


Our Services

Address: Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Phone: +97150 184 0184

Ethics Policy – We at Chartered Buying are highly committed to Ethical practice, Business Code of Conduct.

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